Pricing plans

Find the pricing plan that fits you best. Choose “Usage based” if you want flexibility or “Credit based” for more security. Custom plans are available within the Enterprise plan. Calculate your costs below.

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Decoration image pointing at call to action

Compare plans

Usage based Credit based Enterprise
Payment type Pay at end of the month Pay up front Custom plan
Minimum number of registrations No minimum 30.000 credits yearly 250.000 credits yearly
Onetime set-up costs € 3500,- 50% discount € 1750,- € 3500,- 50% discount € 1750,- Included
Onboarding training included
Multi-channel support
Usage based Credit based Enterprise
3 hours of LTI consumer support
View total registrations on platform.
View number of courses
Create custom export
Tool specific reports
Custom export
Export registred users
Export grades
Cost calculator Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon
Learning objects
SCORM 2004
TinCan (xAPI)
Graded quiz Coming soon Coming soon Assisted
Certification Coming soon Coming soon Assisted
Learning object settings
Limit attempts
Copy and download protection Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon
SCORM package analyzer Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon
Last grade
LTI Tools
Create LTI tools
Limit number of registrations
Manage enrolment duration
Fixed start-/end date
Full access to API
Access online documentation
API support Limited Limited
Test environment
Allowed connections 1 1
LTI Debug Assistant
Tool specific debugging mode
Advanced error reporting
Solution suggestions
LTI Knowledge bank
Linqur LTI academy Coming soon Coming soon Coming soon

Pricing - Usage based

At the end of each month, we assess the number of new registrations that occurred during that period. Monthly costs are automatically adjusted upwards or downwards, based on usage.

Scorm-packages LTI Tools Registrations Cost per month
Unlimited Unlimited 50 € 75,-
Unlimited Unlimited 100 € 100,-
Unlimited Unlimited 250 € 175,-
Unlimited Unlimited 500 € 300,-
Unlimited Unlimited 1000 € 500,-
Unlimited Unlimited 2500 € 800,-
Unlimited Unlimited 5000 € 1000,-
Unlimited Unlimited 10000 € 1500,-
Unlimited Unlimited 20000 € 2200,-
Unlimited Unlimited 30000 € 3200,-
Unlimited Unlimited 40000 € 4000,-
Unlimited Unlimited 60000 € 5000,-
Unlimited Unlimited 60000 + € 5000,-
+ € 0,075
per registration

Pricing - Credit based

One credit equals one registration. Credits are valid for 12 months and can be topped-up at any time. There will be no additional costs.

Scorm-packages LTI Tools Registrations Cost
Unlimited Unlimited 30000 € 6.000,-
Unlimited Unlimited 60000 € 9.600,-
Unlimited Unlimited 120000 € 12.000,-
Unlimited Unlimited 240000 € 18.000 ,-
Unlimited Unlimited 360000 € 26.400 ,-
Unlimited Unlimited 720000 € 48.000,-
Unlimited Unlimited 960000 € 60.000,-

Frequently Asked Questions

The first time a user opens an LTI Tool a registration is made to this tool. Registration to a tool is a one-time event. Every time a user visits a tool after registration is free of charge. A user can only be registered once. You can find all registered users by following our step by step guide.

Example 1 - One user has one registration

A user views an LTI tool on the 1st of may 2024. At that point it is registered to the tool and will be invoiced in May. The same user visits this tool 2 more times in may and 2 more times in june to complete the course. This is still one registration, counted in May. Two years later the same user views the course to freshen her memory about the course. The same registration is used, so no extra registrations are made.

Example 2 - One user has more than one registration

A user views a tool on the 1st of May 2024. At that point it is registered to the tool and will be invoiced in May. The same user also views a second and a third tool in May of 2024. It will be registered to every tool. A total of three registrations is made in May. Revisiting these tools however will not result in additional registrations or cost.

The only way a user can be registered to a tool twice, is if you delete a users from our a tool first.

No, a user will only be registered to a Tool once. It doesn’t matter how long, even if the user comes back after one year, it is already paid for. It is always easy to find a registered user in a specific tool when using Linqur.
In the monthly plan your tier will automatically adjust upwards and downwards. If you use less, you pay less.
Registrations will stil be possible. If you run out of credits you will be contacted by our support team to discuss further actions. If you don’t top-up your credits by the end of the month, you will be converted to the monthly plan and invoiced accordingly.
Of course! We encourage you to plan a demo so we can discuss implementation possibilities. After the demo you will get full access to the platform for testing purposes.
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Image Description

Joris Even

Founder & Product owner

Plan a free demo in the calendar below.

Share your learning content effortlessly!

With our LTI Provider Service, you can integrate your content into any LMS. Fast, simple, and hassle-free. Get the brochure and find out how!

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Leaving without a solution? Don't do it!

With SCORM Proxy, you can play SCORM courses in any LMS without worrying about updates or hosting. Sounds good? Request the brochure!

Enter your email address to download the brochure.

SCORM or LTI? Why choose when you can have both?

Our LTI Converter transforms SCORM into LTI, making your content work in any LMS. Want to know how? Download the brochure and find out for yourself!

Enter your email address to download the brochure.

No more hassle with passwords!

With Magic Link Login, your users log in securely with just one click – no passwords, no hassle. Discover how in the brochure!

Enter your email address to download the brochure.

Smart LMS integration? Our API is the solution!

With the Linqur API, you can seamlessly connect e-learning systems and automate everything. Download the brochure and discover the benefits.

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