AICC (Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee) is an e-learning standard that supports interoperability between LMSs and external servers.
AICC, or Aviation Industry Computer-Based Training Committee, is an e-learning standard developed to standardize training and learning modules. Although originally designed for the aviation industry, the standard has been adopted more broadly in other sectors. AICC focuses on interoperability between learning platforms (LMS) and learning modules.
AICC helps organizations manage and integrate their training content in a standardized way with different learning platforms. It offers specific advantages:
AICC communicates using files and the HTTP protocol. The LMS retrieves data from an external server where the content is hosted. This allows users to save and view progress and results without the need for the content to be stored locally on the LMS.
Although AICC is less commonly used today due to more modern standards like SCORM and xAPI, it remains a reliable solution for organizations reliant on legacy systems or needing external content hosting.